Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ten Thousand Pennies

I won $100 today.

I've been filling out surveys for Translink Online Advisory Panel for about a year now and every time you do they enter you into this draw for a 3-zone bus pass (worth $136) or $100. Since I spend about $38 each month on transit, clearly the money is the better choice.

Like most of you, I previously thought these things were never won by anyone, but fictitious people were quoted in the follow up e-mail (Jim S. from Surrey plans to use his winnings to "play poker recklessly.") Not anymore! Well, I will say that when I have the cold hard paper cheque in my hands (in 4 to 6 weeks.)

My initial thought was: Oh good! More money for savings!

You see what I've become?!

My coworkers talked me off the (very dorky) ledge and gave their own suggestions for the money:

Fancy Dinner for 2

My choice would be to save it to use it for something crazy later (150 helium balloons!) so I don't end up deciding to get purple highlights and a one way ticket to Seattle before the money runs out.

My current thinking is one of the following (or two if possible):
- Luxury (and needed) bike tune-up
- Fancy Dinner
- Presents for Dave (Dave's suggestion)
- $100 gift card to Festival Cinemas (convenient because the Park is right near my house)
- save for summer clothes shopping
- use as spending money while in Edmonton/Banff next month

I know it's free money, but I still cringe on wasting it on something ridiculous. I can get some pleasurable mileage out of it without spending it on 10 000 penny candies... there's a thought...

I'm curious to know what you might spend it on? What do you think I should do?


OSAP Repayment
Final Goal Date: Sept 2009

Started: May 2008
Finished: JUNE 2009!!

$0 .

TD Line of Credit
Final Goal Date: Sept 2012

Started: May 2009
Finished: ??

Only $33,326 to go! .

$12000 in Emergency Savings
Final Goal Date: ASAP

Started: Jan 2008
Finished: ??

$12000 in savings .